The BRICs LCD Series UPS with LCD can supply clean and stable power to protect your equipment. The include PowerPanel® Personal Edition management software showcases the feature rich abilities of this UPS such as input /output power voltage readings, self-diagnostics, scheduled shutdown, and approximate battery back-up time reading. These UPS units can be placed in either a horizontal or wallmount postition to mark the most of your space. With Energy-Saving Technology, BRICs LCD Series UPS can save upto 75% of electricity and save your electricity bill. You can easy charge AA/AAA battery Via USB charge with battery charger.
Features & Benefits:
GreenPower UPS™ Technology : Energy-Saving UPS
Microprocessor based full digital control
Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)
EMI, RFI, Surge and lightning spike protection
Phone / Fax / Modem / DSL / Network protection
Power Management software included
Scheduled shutdown
Auto restart / Auto charge
Horizontal / Wallmount use
USB connectivity ports
Compact design with highest power output
LCD Status Moniter
Save upto 75% of electicity
External AA/AAA battery charger include *(batteries excluded)
Cable collector include
BR1200ELCD, Izlazna snaga 720 W, Tehnologija Line interactive AVR, Simulated Sine Wave, Izlazni napon 230 V, Ulazni napon 230 V, Vrijeme punjenja 8 h, Komunikacija USB
Tehničke karakteristike |
Promjena izlaznog napona [%]:
Ulazni napon [V]:
Ulazna frekvencija:
45Hz ~ 65 Hz
Podesivost ulaznog napona [V]:
165Vac - 290Vac
Vrijeme punjenja [h]:
Vrijeme rada (50% load) [min]:
Vrijeme rada (100% load) [min]:
Surge rating [J]:
Dodatna zaštita:
Izlazni priključci:
8x šuko (4 preko baterije)
Izlazna snaga [W]:
Line interactive AVR, Simulated Sine Wave
Izlazni napon [V]:
Izlazna frekvencija:
50/60Hz ± 1%
Izlazna frekvencija (Hz):
50/60Hz ± 1%
Datum dodavanja u katalog:
27.1.2021. 15:57:06
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